Vihangam Yoga Maharashtra

Swarved Mahamandir

Vihangam Yoga Maharashtra

Swarved Mahamandir


The largest center of Vihangam Yoga is being constructed under the name of Swarved Mahamandir. Based in Varanasi, Umraha, this colossal structure is to be completed as the most spiritually significant abode of this non-profit organization. The Swarved Mahamandir is the physical representation of none other than the unmatched Spiritual Treatise Swarved.

PM Modi Visite to Swarved Mahamandir​

Swarved Mahamandir, as the name suggests, is The Temple of Spirituality. It is the sublime zone of consciousness which provides a platform and meeting ground for seekers of the truth to experience the existence of Conscious Entities beyond the perception of Physical Sciences itself.

The Swarveda Mahamandir is dedicated to the Swarveda, a unique Spiritual Scripture which is providing unmatched resonance and energy to the world; establishing peace, harmony and love whilst strengthening the spiritual awakening of society at a micro and macro-level. The foundation of the Mahamandir, the Swarveda, is a divine spiritual scripture written by His Holiness, Sadguru Shri Sadafal Deoji Maharaj – an eternal Yogi and Founder of Vihangam Yoga. The Swarveda propagates the message of Brahm Vidya, a body of knowledge which empowers those who walk the spiritual path to remain in a state of consummate Zen – a state of unyielding constancy in peace and happiness, which verily enables the accomplishment of their goals and aspirations.


The Mahamandir is to illuminate the humankind with its magnificent spiritual aura and engulf the world in a state of peaceful alertness; indeed, the rise of spiritual inquisition will inspire a different way of thinking about the world and existence itself in current and future generations; thus allowing us to progress as a common humanity.

In a modern era riddled with intense hatred and animosity, the Swarved Mahamandir will establish itself as an irreplaceable source of inspiration, peace, and harmony – with a deep reflection on the prominence of internal inquiry.


  • World’s largest meditation center.
  • Centre of research to know the conscious entities.
  • A 7-levelled super-structure.
  • 3137 Swarved verses engraved on Makarana Marble.
  • Over 20,000 people can sit together and meditate.
  • 125 petal Lotus Dome.
  • Mechanic presentation on the Life of Sadguru Sadafal Deo Ji Maharaj.
  • Subsumes the eradication of social vices and social evils.
  • Centre of a plethora of sociocultural projects for the wellbeing of Rural India
  • Inspired by the pinnacle of spirituality – the Swarved
  • Intricately carved sandstone structures depicting glimpse of Indian Heritage
  • Pink sandstone decor surrounding the Mandir’s walls.
  • Exquisite garden featuring medicinal herbs.

At Swarved Mahamandir, we aim to unite the world in the pursuit of spiritual awakening and inner peace. Explore the world's largest meditation center, discover the secrets of consciousness, and embrace a journey towards a harmonious existence.

Our mission is to enlighten humanity with the radiant aura of Swarved Mahamandir and inspire a new way of thinking, fostering unity and understanding among generations. Join us on this remarkable spiritual odyssey.

Swarved Mahamandir stands as an architectural marvel, but it's the wisdom of 'Swarved' and the teachings of Sadguru Shri Sadafal Deoji Maharaj that truly make it extraordinary. Explore the profound verses, delve into the history, and embark on a path of self-discovery.

"As a hub of spiritual exploration and cultural preservation, Swarved Mahamandir is not just a physical structure; it's a beacon of inner reflection and external harmony. Experience the serenity, the knowledge, and the legacy of a timeless spiritual journey."

Vihangam Yoga Maharashtra
Vihangam Yoga Maharashtra