Swarved Mahamandir Trust

Ancient Wisdom Revived ! A Timeless Wonder ! Largest Meditation Center ! Statue of Spirituality !


Unleash the power of CSR: donate today, inspire a legacy of compassion forever

The Swarved Mahamandir Trust (SWT) is a non-profit, non-political, charitable & social organization registered under the Indian Trust Act.

Over the years, since its establishment in 2004, SWT has been undertaking, and facilitating numerous types of charitable, social, and public welfare programs in various states of the country.

The Swarved Mahamandir Trust (SWT) is a non-profit, non-political, charitable & social organization registered under the Indian Trust Act.

Over the years, since its establishment in 2004, SWT has been undertaking, and facilitating numerous types of charitable, social, and public welfare programs in various states of the country.

Unleash the power of CSR: donate today, inspire a legacy of compassion forever

Overview of Social Activities

Our Activities

  • Supporting the most underprivileged & needy in communities
  • Supporting the elderly and individuals living with a disability
  • Facilitating community awareness programs for everyone’s welfare
  • Providing education and training opportunities to the neediest for self-reliance
  • Ongoing programs for the dissemination, and preservation of Indian cultural heritage and values
  • Applying continual efforts for global peace through our focused initiatives such as Yagya and Hawan
  • Construction of the swarved Mahamandir meditation center
  • Facilitating community support activities-  covid19 relief activities
  • Eye hospital & center for differently abled
  • Naturotherapy center
  • Education center
  • Yoga training and research center
  • Old age home

Free Education for Underprivileged


These programs are undertaken with the core objective of promoting self-reliance among the participants by equipping them with education and training.

Our focus is to support young childrens belonging to families who cannot afford to fulfill their dreams due to financial or other constraints.


These programs are undertaken with the core objective of promoting self-reliance among the participants by equipping them with education and training.

Our focus is to support young childrens belonging to families who cannot afford to fulfill their dreams due to financial or other constraints.

The SMT provides free schooling, food provisions, and books in two schools for up to 1200 students from across regional villages and cities.

Furthermore, the SMT:

Provides education at no cost to learners. Additionally, free daily meals and all other amenities are provided. Boarding facilities are provided to those who need them.

Undertakes a mass distribution of free educational resources, and tools to children coming from poor families every year. This is to support them with basic learning materials, pencils, erasers, school bags, etc. enabling them opportunities of going to school and pursuing education.

Organises mini-libraries for students ensuring they have access to a wide range of books for developing their knowledge-this is to support the students in remote and regional centers in furthering their learning.

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Student Benefited

Underprivileged Support​

These activities are primarily undertaken in the regional and rural regions of Uttar Pradesh and other states.

With the "active involvement of our volunteers and donors, SWT has been able to reach out to thousands of individuals who are in "desperate need for basic amenities of food," "clothing, and shelter."

The Swarved Mahamandir Trust acknowledges that many individuals are unable to afford to buy proper, in some cases, basic clothing for themselves and their families due to financial constraints.

It is one of the core initiatives that we donate free clothing and blankets to the needy multiple times across the year.

On average, our Trust supports over 10,000 individuals every year.

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People Benefited


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People Benefited

The trust has arranged free food for the neediest people in accordance with our pledge of “Anna Daan Mahadaan”.

Over the years, the trust has expanded the “Anna Daan Mahadaan” scheme into a large-scale initiative. As part of this, we provide free food through numerous “Ashram Bhojnalaya” in our Sadguru Sadafal Vihangam Yoga Sansthan’s ashrams & in dedicated camps where thousands of people are provided meals.

Free food is also served to the participants in the free health & yoga camps organized by the trust. Due to the grand success & popularity of this initiative, the trust has expanded the scope of our service and collectively we are able to support over 10 lakh individuals per year.


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Families Benefited

The Swarved Mahamandir Trust acknowledges the challenges individuals living in remote and regional areas face in getting their daughters married. It becomes a major financial constraint for them, and we have been supporting such families for many years.

Annually, we support up to 500 such families towards this noble cause, in remote and regional parts of India. We are confident with the generosity of our kind donors and active support from our social volunteers that we will continue to bring hope to many more families with each passing year.

Facilitating skill development programs and workshops for women empowerment:

Our objective in offering such programs has been to educate and provide strategies to women in our target communities and empower them with knowledge and skills for financial self-reliance.

We started offering these sessions in 2013 onwards and have focused on supporting women in the below-mentioned districts and their villages. We have plans to progressively expand our reach to the needy in other regions of Chhattisgarh.

  • Raipur
  • Dhamtari
  • Bastar

Our team presented various case studies of women who became self-reliant upon acquiring skills and how they succeeded in utilizing their newly acquired skills to develop their own businesses. As a result of these sessions, we have observed that participating women have:

  • Become self-reliant
  • Established entrepreneurship skills 
  • Are leading a happy life supporting their families

Elderly & Disability Support

The Swarved Mahamandir Trust has set itself a key goal of supporting individuals living with a disability in various ways through focused initiatives.

These support activities are primarily focused on those who cannot afford to access them on their own due to financial and other related constraints.

Individuals with Disabilities Program

For a number of years, we have been offering services to those suffering from disabilities in life. For many such individuals, a disability significantly impacts their day-to-day quality of life and extends into having a deep impact on their sense of self and mental health. One of our key activities in this respect is the donation of tricycles and other supportive devices to a number of members of the disabled community.

Welfare Facilitation


Public Wellness Campaigns

These camps aim to create awareness around general health and mental health. Provision of free medical facilities and treatment is offered to those who are unable to access them due to financial or other constraints. These services are made available in remote and regional areas for the neediest sections of rural communities.


Social Awareness Camps

In current times, many communities are grappling with the serious impacts of addiction on individuals, their families, and the communities they belong to-be its consumption of alcohol, tobacco, use of drugs, or other addictive substances. Acknowledging the devastation it causes, the Swarved Mahamandir Trust has been organizing focused group discussions, and camps to raise awareness of the harmful impacts of such substances, and how to prevent addiction through well-informed steps.


Mass Plantation Drive

The Swarved Mahamandir Trust strongly believes that environmental health and its protection are everyone's shared responsibility. The impact of pollution and global warming has seriously impacted our nation along with the rest of the world. The trust has taken this as a critical mission to educate the masses through a number of initiatives. We engage ourselves in mass plantation of samplings, plants, and environmental protection activities across India through focused activities involving thousands of volunteers across the country, and raising awareness of caring for our planet.



Heritage Dissemination &

Organizing various Yogasana, Pranayama, and meditation training camps and seminars for the benefit of the larger communities across India.

This is to promote the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of all participants and practitioners.

The SMT recognizes and appreciates the importance of our Vedic traditions.

To ensure we advocate for and propagate the wisdom of our Vedic Masters through the generations, and to provide those children who lack an education with a holistic education, the SMT offers Vedic education for free to a number of students every year.

Blood donation camps are organised across India and around the globe with thousands of volunteers donating blood every year.

Serving ‘Gau Mata’ is a service deeply ingrained in our traditions. At SMT, we rear over 1000 cows across 28 Gaushalas, all of a local Indian bread. 90% of the milk produced in these Gaushalas is donated to pregnant women, or those who have infants.

Rearing of Cows and their protection through numerous Gaushalas managed by the SMT.



Organizing various Yogasana, The Vedic ritual of Yagya and Hawan are essential for the betterment of the environment, as well as for the mental and spiritual enrichment of all participants.

Beyond frequent Yagyas hosted at SMT centers, mass events where hundreds of thousands of participants engage themselves in this ancient ritual takes place a few times a year.Pranayama, and meditation training camps and seminars for the benefit of the larger communities across India. This is to promote the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of all participants and practitioners.

The largest meditation center of the world where 20,000 meditation practitioners can meditate within its premises at a time, the Swarved Mahamandir is a major project of the SMT, supported by Honourable Shri Narendra Modi Ji, the Prime Minister of India.

The Swarved Mahamandir represents the repository of spiritual knowledge which has been present in India for time immemorial, and the unique significance of Swarved – a spiritual treatise composed by the Founder of Vihangam Yog, Sadguru Sadafal Deo Ji Maharaj

The SMT has facilitated a number of emergency response and relief activities due to natural disasters like floods and other natural calamities such as the COVID19 Pandemic.

COVID19 relief activities

SMT supported thousands of individuals impacted due to the COVID19 Pandemic.



Our body is the medium or agent for achieving anything” is an ancient Indian saying.

To help people follow it, and with a determination for serving humanity, a modern hospital is proposed. In the initial stage, it’ll host 100 beds.

It will be specialized for common, yet very serious health disorders like eye and hearing problems, but will also address those with cardiac troubles, cancer, and diabetes.

This hospital will have special provisions for serving underprivileged people. This medication center will work as a unique service center for humanity, where divine blessings add to the effect of medicines, resulting in a speedy recovery of a patient.

Apart from the treatment through the latest medical science, the patients will be taught the all-time-trusted Indian skill, Yogasana, by the very best trainers.

Medication Units: Ophthalmology, Cardiology, Oncology, Diabetes

Total land area: 50,500 sq. m

Today natural therapy is known as the best way of treatment. This method uses no medicines.

There are special ways to detect the root cause of the disease and the patient is treated on physical, mental, moral, psychological as well as spiritual level; resulting in permanent recovery.

The body is healed by curing the mental and psychological faults of a patient through organized living and by using natural methods.

To avail the benefits of this unique and effective therapy, the organization has a proposal of establishing a super specialty naturotherapy center having all facilities.

Total land area: 2,000 sq. m

Sensing a need of establishing a premium educational institute, with proper synchronization between the ancient Vedik values and the needs of the modern age, a school, a temple of education has been planned.

In this institute, the students will get the essence of rich Indian culture along with modern science and technology.

The aim of this institution is to create a well-cultured, independent personality, having a true Indian character with patriotism and the enlightenment of true spirituality.

The students passing out from this school will have the zeal and of course, the capability of making the whole country proud of them.

Total land area: 50,000 sq. m

Today the importance and power of the science of yoga is well known everywhere.

Yoga is a science of inner consciousness. Researchers have started in many countries to analyze the effects of practicing yoga on the body, mind, life powers, and thinking.

To give shape to all Yoga related research and studies, a training and research center has been proposed. Possessing ultra-modern techniques, this centre will prove the capabilities of yoga scientifically.

All types of yoga training will also be provided here, by yoga experts. This project is planned to be a state of art and unique yoga centre. The research centre will find out all capabilities of yoga through the modern medical science.

Total land area: 3,000 sq. m

Today natural therapy is known as the best way of treatment. This method uses no medicines. There are special ways to detect the root cause of the disease and the patient is treated on physical, mental, moral, psychological as well as spiritual level; resulting in permanent recovery.

The body is healed by curing the mental and psychological faults of a patient through organised living and by using natural methods.

To avail the benefits of this unique and effective therapy, the organisation has a proposal of establishing a super speciality naturotherapy centre having all facilities.

Total land area: 2,000 sq. m

Through the SMT various Meditation centres, public drinking water facilities, old-age homes, schools, training centres, student hostels, guest house, public toilets, public showering areas etc have been constructed across UP and other states and various such amenities are in different stages of construction. Through the organization’s above-mentioned activities, many poor and unemployed individuals are being supported to become employed and self-sufficient. The organisation is committed to undertake further activities for the welfare of the general public besides the above-mentioned meaningful activities already undertaken.

The Vihangam Yoga organisation is affliated to the United Nations ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council) and Habitat program.


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Vihangam Yoga Maharashtra
Vihangam Yoga Maharashtra